
Timeline Career Plan / Business Plan • Bonner

10/21 Career Plan / Business Plan

How would you execute your goals?
Answer a business / career plan questionairre.
Intro to Visualpump business plan (Artist Guide)
Intro to other students business and career plans.
Discuss the goals of different genres, 2d animator vs. portrait illustrator, need of website, LLC, corp., bus cards, stationary, invoices, google ads, ad club etc.

Visit the Society of Illustrators Exhibition in the Kendall Gallery to discuss markets.
Research the work that fit your market.

Discuss what you need to do in your studio life and school to accomplish your goals.
Finish the business/career plan questionnaires in class.

• Place on server > 707/708> Professional Practices >  Plans
• Deadline send to susan@visualpump.com as if she is the partner/coach complete with intro email.